Amethyst Crystal Pendulum
When you are seeking clarity on a specific matter or situation, a crystal pendulum can help you gain insight into how you are feeling at your core. By acting as a visual representation of what your spirit already knows, you can use a pendulum to evaluate your own energy.
An Amethyst Pendulum is ideal for evaluating your state of mind and affirming your intuition. The peaceful awareness that comes from working with an Amethyst crystal is amplified by the pendulum, which allows you to reflect on matters of the mind. Asking an Amethyst Pendulum a question reveals what your intuition already knows is best for you.
Using Your Crystal Pendulum to Answer Questions
Your crystal pendulum can also be used to help you answer questions that come to mind. Remember, you already know the answers intuitively, your pendulum is just giving you a visual to affirm it.
- When you first receive your pendulum before you use it, sage your pendulum until it becomes still.
- Hold it in your hands and set an intention.
- Ask your pendulum to show you what a yes is. Sometimes it will go back and forth, or in a circle. Everyone’s will be different.
- Now, ask your pendulum to give you a no. It should be different than your yes.
- With the movement for your two answers established, ask your pendulum yes or no question, and see what the answer is.
Always remember that your pendulum is a tool. It’s an extension of what’s going on inside you, but you may not be aware of it. It helps your external get in touch with your internal.
Every Crystal Pendulum is packaged in a velvet pouch, as pictured.
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